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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


We are now officially Peace Corps trainees. Things really are about to change. We spent the day in a conference room in the hotel with a group of 58 people (I think) going over everything from a little PC history to our anxieties and aspirations. We had the pleasure of hearing Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams speak (and no, he doesn't speak at all 100 staging events that the PC puts on each year).

Our group is not at all as uniformly young as I had expected, which is nice. Traditionally most volunteers join right after college, with a small minority (a few percent) signing up after they've retired. In our group, however, there were at least a dozen people - including me - who had given up or suspended careers for this opportunity.

Susan is asleep. I'm beat. Tomorrow will be another busy day, and much longer. It won't really end until 4:50am on Saturday, when we get to Yerevan.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck! My son is currently in A17 in Armenia and has liked his experience. I can't believe he has been gone a year already.
